Present and  Former Students* (this page always under construction)
University of Southern California Carnegie Mellon University
University of Southern California Postdoctoral Researchers Thesis or project topic Current Position and Organization
C.P. Ravikumar Unified System Construction  Leads the TI India Technical University at Texas Instruments, Bangalore, India
Nohbyung Park ADAM Advanced Design AutoMation Executive VP&CTO, R&D Center, Digital Media Network Business,Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
University of Southern California Ph.D. Students

 Josef Gavriel (a.k.a. Yosef Gavriel Tirat-Gefen a.k.a. Jose Batista) Theory and Practice in System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors Castel Research and George Mason University
Chih-Tung Chen
Engineering Director, Qualcomm
Diogenes da Silva A Comprehensive Framework for the Specification of Hardware/Software Systems Assistant Prof., Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte Brazil 
John Granacki Understanding Digital System Specifications Written in Natural Language Director, Advanced Systems Division, Information Sciences Institute, USC
Pravil Gupta
VP and CTO of Selectica Inc.
Sami Habib Synthesis and Optimization of Application-Specific Intranets Assoc. Prof, U. of Kuwait
Sally Hayati
Director, Information Technology Department, The Aerospace Corporation
Dong-Hyun Heo Early System Architecture Optimization for Multi-Chip Systems CAD Manager, Pulsent
Ivan Hom A Methodology for Hardware/Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems CAD Engineer, Transmeta
Yung-Hua Hung High-Level Synthesis with Pin Constraints for Multiple-Chip Designs Manager
Transmission Technology Department, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
Rajiv Jain
VP, Software Development Centre, AOL Bangalore
David Knapp A Planning Model of the Design Process Former Vice President and Chief
 Technology Officer, Get 2 Chip
Musaravakkam Samram. Krishnan A layout Design Methodology for VLSI Structures

Kayhan Kucukcakar System-Level Synthesis Techniques with Emphasis on Partitioning and Design Planning Sr. R&D Manager, Synopsys
Fadi Kurdahi
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of California, Irvine
Mitch Mlinar Control Path/Data Path Tredeoffs in VLSI Design R&D Group Director at Synopsys
Nohbyung Park Synthesis of High-Speed Digital Systems Executive VP&CTO, R&D Center, Digital Media Network Business,Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Shiv Prakash Synthesis of Application-Specific Multiprocessor Systems Mentor Corp.
Jorge Siedel (a.k.a.Jorge Pizarro)
Aerospace Corporation
Sarma Vrudhula (a.k.a. Sarma Sastry) Wiring Space Estimation of Master Slice ICs Consortium for Embedded Systems (CES) Chair Professor, Arizona State Univ.
Suhrid Wadekar Accuracy Sensitive Word-Length Selection for Algorithm Optimization formerly IBM, now law school
Jen-Pin Weng Concurrent High-Level Synthesis with Floorplanning Synopsys Corp., Cadence?

University of Southern Calfornia M.S. Students

Charles Chao

Dimitrios Dervos
Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki, Dept. of Informatics, Greece

Carnegie Mellon University Ph.D. Students

James Crowley A Representation for Visual Information Professor, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Louis Hafer
Professor, Simon Fraser Univ., Vancouver, BC
Michael McFarland, SJ
President, Holy Cross Univ.
Andrew Nagle Automated Design of Digital-System Control Sequencers from Register-Transfer Specifications Novell

Carnegie Mellon University M.S. Students

Arthur Altman  The SLIDE Simulator: A Design and Evaluation Tool for I/O and Interfacing Strategies
Richard Blum The Carnegie-Mellon University Computer Music System Hardware: The OEG, Oscillator and Envelope Generator 
Richard Cloutier Control Allocation: The Automated Design of Digital Controllers
Robert Colwell Electronic Music Chief IA32 ARchitect, Intel, independent consultant
Robert Cox Image Processing Programs for the P5 Picture Processing Project
Paul Ernst ISPS Description of the Z8000
Grace Giras A Distributed Bus Cluster Solution of Optimal Power Flow Implemented on CM*
Ron Hensley Pattern Recognition Applied to Music
John T. Johl  Interfacing
Charles Lo  The P.Display
Edward J. Madera  Micro- Based Process I/O Scan and Control System Westinghouse Corp.?
Neil Musicante Optimal 3 Dimensional Display of Data Clusters for Pattern Recognition
Mark Reich

Paul K. Rodman  Electronic Music
John Wallace  The SLIDE Hardware Description Language

Carnegie Mellon University Undergraduate Students

Lee Beckstrom Encryption Hardware
Michael Bergman Micro Mouse Design
Neil Bloomberg Microprocessor-Based Digital Radio Communication - Noodle-One: A Microcomputer System
Mark Carlotta The CMU Computer Music System Envelope Generator
George Conway A Digital Circuit for Psychology Experiments
Scott Craig A Computer Textbook for Beginners
Joan Cunningham ISPS Descriptions
Paul Ernst

Paul Green An Analog Electronic Music Synthesizer
Bob LaGatta The Construction of a Motorola 6800 Microprocessor and Implementation of a Cross-Assembler
Greg Lawson The CMU Computer Music System - Front End Processor
William Lyden
The Construction of an Altair 8800 to RTM Interface, Hardware to Interface and Display Emulated Computer Registers, and A GLIDE (Generalized Language for Interface Description and Evaluation) Compiler

Barry Masel Electronic Music
Bob Mason 8 Channel Recorder
Michael Mehr Feasibility of a Computer-Controllerd Circuits Laboratory
Bill Morgart Automatic Generation of Microcode
Chris Moriondo The CMU Computer Music System PDP-11 Interface
Charles Squires Construction of a Microprocessor System with Power Supply
Mickey Tsao A Virtual Image Memory
John Wallace
On Automatic Verification of SLIDE Descriptions

Alice Parker | Electrical Engineering | University of Southern California

*Please send updates modifications to

This page was last modified on April 21, 2003. | Copyright 1997, University of Southern California.

This page represents the opinions of the author, and is not to be considered an official publication of the University of Southern California.