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CENG Technical Reports

2009 Tech Reports

CENG-2009-1 Dynamic MIPS Rate Stabilization in Out-of-Order Processors
by Jinho Suh and Michel Dubois
CENG-2009-2 Link Scheduling in a Single Broadcast Domain Underwater Networks
by Pai-Han Huang, Ying Chen, Anil Kumar, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
CENG-2009-3 Sub-Carrier Allocation in OFDM Systems: Complexity, Approximability and Algorithms
by Pai-Han Huang, Yi Gai, Bhaskar Krishnamachari
CENG-2009-4 Compressed Sensing and Routing in Multi-Hop Networks
by Sungwon Lee, Sundeep Pattem, Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Antonio Ortega
CENG-2009-5 Handling Inelastic Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Jiong Jin, Avinash Sridharan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, and Marimuthu Palaniswami
CENG-2009-6 Coordinated Sampling in Communication Constrained Sensor Networks using Markov Decision Processes
by Shuping Liu, Anand Panangadan, Ashit Talukder, Cauligi S. Raghavendra
CENG-2009-7 Scalable Node Level Computation Kernels for Parallel Exact Inference
by Yinglong Xia, and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG-2009-8 A Simulation Study of IEEE 802.11 with Optimal Rate Control in Multi-hop Topologies
by Apoorva Jindal and Konstantinos Psounis
CENG-2009-9 Bargaining to Improve Channel Sharing between Selfish Cognitive Radios
by Hua Liu, Allen MacKenzie, Bhaskar Krishnamachari
CENG-2009-10 Backpressure Routing Made Practical
by Scott Moeller, Avinash Sridharan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Omprakash Gnawali
CENG-2009-11 Routing Without Routes: The Backpressure CollectionProtocol
by Scott Moeller, Avinash Sridharan, Bhskar Krishnamachari, Omprakash Gnawali
CENG-2009-12 Approximate logic synthesis for error tolerant applications
by Doochul Shin and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG-2009-13 Continuous Reliability Monitoring Using Adaptive Critical Path Testing
by Bardia Zandian, Waleed Dweik, Suk Hun Kang, Thomas Punihaole, Murali Annavaram

2008 Tech Reports

CENG-2008-1 Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dependencies of User Mobility in Wireless Mobile Networks
by W. Hsu, T. Spyropoulosy, K. Psounis and A. Helmy
CENG-2008-2 Hangout: A Privacy Preserving Location Based Social Networking Service
by Murali Annavaram
CENG-2008-3 Error-rate Estimation with Ones Counting
by Melvin Breuer, Zhaoliang Pan
CENG-2008-4 Achieving fast convergence for max-min fair rate allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Avinash Sridharan and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
CENG-2008-5 Controlling Leakage Power with the Replacement Policy in Slumberous Caches
by Nasir Mohyuddin, Rashed Bhatti, Michel Dubois
CENG-2008-6 SlackSim: A Platform for Parallel Simulations of CMPs on CMPs
by Jianwei Chen, Murali Annavaram, Michel Dubois
CENG-2008-7 Investigating Backpressure based Rate Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
by Avinash Sridharan, Scott Moeller and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
CENG-2008-8 Algorithms for Fast Aggregated Convergecast in Sensor Networks
by Amitabha Ghosh, Ozlem Durmaz Incel, V.S. Anil Kumar, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
CENG-2008-9 Multi-Channel Scheduling for Fast Convergecast in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Ozlem Durmaz Incel, Amitabha Ghoshy, Bhaskar Krishnamachariy and Krishna Kant Chintalapudiz
CENG-2008-10 TDMA scheduling feasibility of the Receiver Capacity Model
by Avinash Sridharan and Bhaskar Krishnamachari
CENG-2008-11 Characterization of GasP cells and analyzing the effects of the operating environments on timing verification
by Prasad Joshi
CENG-2008-12 Verifying RT constraints for GasP using PrimeTime
by Prasad Joshi, Jonathan Gainsley
CENG-2008-13 Static Replication Strategies for Content Availability in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
by Shyam Kapadia, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, & Shahram Ghandeharizadeh
CENG-2008-14 Negotiating Multichannel Sensing and Access In Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks
by Hua Liux, Bhaskar Krishnamacharix, Qing Zhaoz
CENG-2008-15 A Framework Design of Energy Efficient Mobile Sensing for Human State Recognition
by Yi Wang, Jialiu Lin, Murali Annavaram, Quinn A. Jacobson, Jason Hong, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Norman Sadeh

2007 Tech Reports

CENG-2007-1 Modeling Search Costs in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari & Ahn
CENG-2007-2 Modelling BitTorrent-like Systems in Heterogeneous Environments
by Psounis, Wei-Cherng Liao, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos
by Dubois
CENG-2007-4 Contention-Aware Analysis of Routing Schemes for Mobile Opportunistic Networks
by Psounis and Apoorva
CENG-2007-5 Test Generation Framework for Evaluation of Wireless MAC Protocols
by Shamim Begum
CENG-2007-6 An Efficient PIM Architecture for Computer Graphics
by Gupta and Cha
CENG-2007-7 Efficient Identification of Uncongested Links for Topological Downscaling of Internet-like Networks
by Psounis and Papadopoulos
CENG-2007-8 An Analytical Study of Fundamental Mobility Properties for Encounter-based Protocols
by Psounis, Spyropoulos, Jindal
CENG-2007-9 Contention-Aware Performance Analysis of Mobility-Assisted Routing
by Psounis and Jindal
CENG-2007-10 On the Performance Evaluation of Encounter-based Worm Interactions Based on Node Characteristics
by Helmy and Tanachaiwiwat
CENG-2007-12 The Achievable Rate Region of 802.11-Scheduled Multi-hop Networks
by Apoorva Jindal and Konstantinos Psounis
CENG-2007-13 Performance of a Propagation Delay Tolerant ALOHA Protocol for Underwater Wireless Networks
by Joon Ahn and Bhaskar Krishnamachari

2006 Tech Reports

CENG-2006-1 An Evaluation of Availability Latency in Carrier-Based Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
by Krishnamachari, Ghandeharizadeh & Kapadia
CENG-2006-2 Performance Analysis of Epidemic Routing under Contention
by Psounis & Apoorva
CENG-2006-3 Derivations of the Expected Energy Costs of Search and Replication in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari & Ahn
CENG-2006-4 Sequence Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari & Yedavalli
by Gupta & Shahidi
CENG-2006-6 The Power of Choice in Random Walks: An Empirical Study
by Krishnamachari & Avin
CENG-2006-7 Pricing Reliable Routing in Wireless Networks of Selfish Users
by Krishnamachari & Liu
CENG-2006-8 Using Heterogeneity to Enhance Random Walk-based Queries
by Krishnamachari, Zuniga & Avin
CENG-2006-9 Impact of Capture on Multihop Wireless Networks in an Optimal Rate Control Framework
by Krishnamachari, Syed & Jun
CENG-2006-10 Analysis of Slotted Multi-Access Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari & Yedavalli
CENG-2006-11 LAMA: Location-Aware Medium Access for Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari & Yedavalli
CENG-2006-12 Fundamental Mobility Properties for Realistic Performance Analysis of Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks
by Psounis & Apoorva
CENG-2006-13 MobIGames: Mobile Interaction Games with Wireless Devices
by Krishnamachari, Kapadia & Wang
CENG-2006-14 Enhancement of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol for Scalable Data Collection in Dense Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari &Yedavali
CENG-2006-15 On Characterizing Performance of the Cell Broadband Engine Element Interconnect Bus
by Pinkston & Ainsworth

2005 Tech Reports

CENG-2005-1 Modeling Spatially Correlated Data in Sensor Networks
by Psounis and Jindal
CENG-2005-2 Canonical Representation and Efficient Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits
by Pedram and Abdollahi
CENG-2005-3 Efficient Asynchronous Bundled-Data Pipelines for DCT Matrix-Vector Multiplication
by Beerel and Tugsinavisut
CENG-2005-5 Structural Delay Testing Under Restricted Scan of Latch-based Pipelines with Time Borrowing
by Gupta, Chung
CENG-2005-6 Energy Efficient Joint Scheduling and Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari, Lu
CENG-2005-7 Performance Preserving Topological Downscale of Internet-like Networks
by F. Papadopoulos, K. Psounis, R. Govindan
CENG-2005-8 High-Speed QDI Asynchronous Pipelines TVLSI-00128-2003
by Beerel and Recep Ozdag
CENG-2005-9 ConfigurationCompression for FPGA-based Embedded Systems
by Prasanna and Dandalis
CENG-2005-11 Adaptive Allocation of Independent Tasks to Maximize Throughput
by Prasanna and Bo Hong
CENG-2005-12 Using Wireless Advantage for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Coe
CENG-2005-13 Using Wireless Advantage for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Kiran Yedavalli
CENG-2005-14 Optimizing Data Replication for Expanding Ring-based Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari and Ahn
CENG-2005-15 An Efficient Algorithm for Resource Sharing in Peer-to-Peer Networks
by Psounis, Papadopoulos and Liao
CENG-2005-16 Comparative Analysis of Push-Pull Query Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari, & Kapadia

2004 Tech Reports

CENG-2004-01 SIFT: A Low-complexity Scheduler for Reducing Flow Delays in the Internet
K.Psounis, A. Ghosh, B. Prabhakar
CENG-2004-03 SHRiNKing Web Server Farms: A Method for Scaleable Performance Prediction and Measurement
K. Psounis
CENG-2004-04 Algorithm Design and Synthesis for Wireless Sensor Networks
by Prasanna and Bakshi
CENG-2004-06 Dynamic Timing Analysis
by Gupta, Huang
CENG-2004-07 Constrained Flow Optimization with Applications to Data Gathering in Sensor Networks
by Prasanna and Hong
CENG-2004-09 Constructing Topographic Maps in Networked Sensor Systems
by Prasanna, Bakshi, Singh
CENG-2004-10 Modeling of Spatially-Correlated Sensor Network Data
by Psounis and Jindal
CENG-2004-11 Efficient Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks: The Single-Copy Case
by Raghavendra, Psounis, Akis
CENG-2004-12 Efficient Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks: The Multiple-Copy Case
by Raghavendra, Psounis, Akis
CENG-2004-13 Performance Preserving Topological Downscaling of Internet-Like Networks
by Papadopoulos, Psounis, Govindan
CENG-2004-14 The Impact of Blacklisting on Data Gathering Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks

by Krishnamachari, Urgaonkar
CENG-2004-15 Energy-Efficient Data Gathering with Tunable Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Yu Yang
CENG-2004-16 Ecolocation: A Technique for RF Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Krishnamachari, Yedavali, Ravula, Srinivasan
CENG-2004-17 Trends Toward On-Chip Networked Microsystems
by Pinkston and Shin

2003 Tech Reports

CENG-2003-01 Designing Multiple Scan Chains For System On Chips (SOC)
by Md. Saffat Quasem, Sandeep Gupta
CENG-2003-02 Distributed Adaptive Task Allocation in Heterogeneous Computing Environments to Maximize Throughput
by Bo Hong, Viktor Prasanna
CENG-2003-03 Optimizing Graph Algorithms for Improved Cache Performance
by Joon-Sang Park, Michael Penner, Viktor Prasanna
CENG-2003-04 Supporting Topographic Queries in Sensor Networks
by Amol Bakshi, Mitali Singh, Viktor K. Prassana
CENG-2003-05 Exploring Energy-Latency Tradeoffs for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
by Yang Yu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Viktor K. Prasanna

2002 Tech Reports

CENG 02-01 Optimizing Graph Algorithms for Improved Cache Performance
by Joon-Sang Park, Michael Penner, and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 02-02 An ATPG for Threshold Testing: Obtaining Acceptable Yield in Future Processes
by Zhigang Jinag and Sandeep Gupta
CENG 02-03 A method for Applying Double Scheme Dynamic Reconfiguration over InfiniBand™
by Tomithy Pinkston, Bilal Zafar, and Jose Duato
CENG 02-07 Integrating Complete-System and User-level Performance/Power Simulators:
This Sim Wattch Approach

by Jianwei Chen, Michel Dubois and Per Stenström
CENG 02-15 Memory Hierarchy Performance of Tiling and Block Data Layout
by Neungsoo Park, Bo Homg and Viktor Prasanna
CENG 02-16 Gate Delay Modeling for Multiple To-non-controlling Stimuli
by Liang Chi Chen, anf Melvin Breuer

2001 Tech Reports

CENG 01-01 Techniques for Efficient Network Utilization in Multiprocessor/Multicomputer Systems
by Yong Ho Song and Timothy Mark Pinkston
CENG 01-03 Asynchronous 1 of n Logic Using Single-Track Protocol
by Peter A. Beerel and Marcos Ferretti
CENG 01-04 Synthesis and Optimization of Application-Specific Intranets
by Synthesis and Optimization of Application-Specific Intranets

2000 Tech Reports

CENG 00-01 A New Framework for Static Timing Analysis, Incremental Timing Refinement & Timing Simulation
by Liang-Chi Chen, Sandeep Gupta and Melvin Breuer
CENG 00-02 I-Structure Software Caches: Exploiting Global Data Locality in Non-Blocking Multithreaded Architectures
by Wen-Yen Lin
CENG 00-03 The Case for Virtually-Addressed Memory Hierarchies
by Xiaogang Qiu and Michel Dubois
CENG 00-04 Toward Virtually Addressed Memory Hierarchies
by Xiaogang Qiu
CENG 00-05 EE577b VLSI Design Project: A Design of a Turbo Decoder Chip
by Pornchai Pawawongsak
CENG 00-06 An Exact Fault Simulation for Systems on Silicon that Protects Each Cores Intellectual Property (IP)
CENG 00-07 Test Generation For Crosstalk Noise in VLSI Circuits
by Wei-Yu Chen