USC Wordmark Ming Hsieh mark

CENG Technical Reports

1999 Tech Reports

CENG 99-01 Test Generation for Path-Delay Faults in Iterative Logic Arrays
by Nabil Abdulrazzaq and Sandeep Gupta
CENG 99-02 Dynamic Power Management Based: A Continuous-Time Stochastic Approach
by Qinru Qui, Qing Wu, and Masssoud Pedram
CENG 99-03 MCOMA: A Multithreaded COMA Architecture
by Halima M. El Naga
CENG 99-04 Timing Analysis for Test Generation for Crosstalk-Induced Delay in Integrated Circuits
by Wei-Yu Chen, Sandeep K. Gupta and Melvin a. breuer
CENG 99-05 LT-RTPG: A New Test Per Scan BIST TPG for Low Heat Dissipation
by S. Wang and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 99-06 Optimizing Average-Case Performance in the Technology Mapping of Asynchronous Circuits
by Wei-Chun Chou
CENG 99-07 Benchmarking of HPC System
by Dongsoo Kang, Henry W. Park, Jinwoo Suh, Viktor K. Prasanna and Sharad N. Gavali
CENG 99-08 An Efficient Algorith for Large Scale Metrics Transposition
by Jinwoo Suh, Santosh Narayanan, and Viktor k. Prasanna
CENG 99-09 Design & Perormance of SMMPs with Asynchronous Caches
by Fong Pong, Michel Dubois, and Ken Lee
CENG 99-10 Performance Analysis of Asynchronous Circuits and Systems
by Aiguo Xie

1998 Tech Reports

CENG 98-01 A Methodology for transforming Memory Tests for In-system Testing of Direct Mapped Cache Tags
by Sultan Al-Harbi and Sandeep Gupta
CENG 98-02 Design and Performance of the Software-Controlled Coma
by Adian Moga
CENG 98-03 Generalized Input Reduction BIST TPG for Cluster Interconnection Test at Board Levels
by C-H Chiang and Saneep Gupta
CENG 98-04 Codex-dp: Co-design of Communicating Systems Using Dynamic Programming
by Jui-Ming Chang and Massoud Pedram
CENG 98-05 Design of Application Software for Embedded Signal Processing
by Wenheng Liu and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 98-06 T-Robust Testing for Delay Faults
by Suriya Natalrajan, Sandeep Gupta and Melvin Breuer
CENG 99-07 A New Path-Oriented Effect-Cause Methodology to Diagnose Delay Failures
by Yuan-Chieh Hsu and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 98-08 Options for Dynamic Address translation in COMAs
by Xiaogang Qui and Michel Dubois
CENG 98-09 Parallel Implementation of a Class of Adaptive Signal Processing Applications
by Myungho Lee and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 98-10 Synthesis of Area-Efficient and High-Throughput Rate Data Format Converters
by Jongwoo Bae and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 98-11 Cycle-Accurate Macro Models for RT-Level Power Analysis
by Qing Wu and Massoud Pedram
CENG 98-12  
CENG 98-13  
CENG 98-14  
CENG 98-15  
CENG 98-16 Automatic Array Partitioning and Distributed Array Compilation for Efficient Communication
by Hung-Yu Tseng
CENG 98-17 Analysis of Variance in Micropipelines
by Aiguo Xie and Peter Beerel
CENG 98-18  
CENG 98-19 Micro Processor Power Estimation Using Profile Drive Program Synthesis
by Cheng-Ta Hsieh and Massoud Pedram
CENG 98-20 Anaysis and Implementation of Optoelectronic Network Routers
by Mongkol Raksapatcharawong
CENG 98-21 Logical Physical Co-Design for Deep Submicron Digital Circuits
by Amir H. Salek. Jinan Lou and Massoud Pedram
CENG 98-22 Efficient Algorithms for Block-Cyclic Array Redistribution between Processor Sets
by Neugsoo Park and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 98-23 A Dynamic Resource Allocation and Measurement-Based Call Admission Control Algorithm for Integrated Service Networks
by Tien Chien Yu and John Silvester
CENG 98-24 Interaction between Multimedia and Traditional (FTP/WEB) Applications: An Experimental Performance Study
by Gurvinder Singh and John Silvester
CENG 98-25 Assisted Execution
by Michel Dubois and Yong Ho Song
CENG 98-26 Studies on the Impact of Long-term Correlation on Computer Network Performance: Part I Link-Layer Modeling
by Hany D. Alsaialy and John Silvester
CENG 98-27 Studies on the Impact of Long-term Correlation on Computer Network Performance: Part II Link-Layer Modeling
by Hany D. Alsaialy and John Silvester
CENG 98-28 Accuracy Sensititive Word-Length Selection for Algorithm Optimization
by Suhrid Ashok Wadekar
CENG 98-29 Probabilistic Analysis of Power Dissipation in VLSI Systems
by Radu Marculescu
CENG 98-30 Studies on the Impact of Long-Term Correlation on Computer Network Performance
by Hany D. Alsaialy
CENG 98-31 Optimization of BIST Resources During High-Level Systems
by Ishwar Parulkar

1997 Tech Reports

CENG 97-01 Implementation of Deadlock Detection in a Simulated Interconnection Network Environment
by Sugath Warnakulasuriya and Timothy Pinkston
CENG 97-02 Memory Organizations in Hybrid DSM: A Performance Comparison
by Adrian Moga, Alain Gefflaut, and Michel Dubois
CENG 97-03 Hardware vs. Software Implementation of COMA
by Adrian Moga, Alain Gefflaut, and Michel Dubois
CENG 97-04 Hybrid Compiler/Hardware Prefetching for Multiprocessors Using Low-Overhead Cache Miss Traps
by Jonas Skeppstedt and Michel Dubois
CENG 97-05  
CENG 97-06 Variations in Electrical Values and Their Ramifications on Correct Circuit Operation
by S. Natarajan, M.A. Breuer and S. K. Gupta
CENG 97-07 Vector Compaction Using Hierarchical Markov Models
by R. Marculescu, D. Marculescu and M. Pedram
CENG 97-08 FSM Analysis Using High-Order Markov Models
by R. Marculescu, D. Marculescu and M. Pedram
CENG 97-09 Statistical Estimation of Distribution of Power Dissipation in VLSI Circuits
by Chih-Shun Ding and M. Pedram
CENG 97-10 Efficient Algorithms for Block-Cyclic Redistribution of Arrays
by Young Won Lim, Prashanth B. Bhat and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 97-11 The Effectiveness of SRAM Network Caches in Clustered DSMs
by Young Won Lim, Prashanth B. Bhat and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 97-12 Analytic Models for Crosstalk Delay and Pulse Analysis for Non-Ideal Inputs
by Weiyu Chen, Melvin Breuer and Sandeep Gupta
CENG 97-13 Early System Architecture Optimization for Multi-Chip Systems
by Dong-Hyun Heo
CENG 97-14 Improving the Quality of Safe BDD Minimization Using Don't Cares
by Youngpyo Hong and Peter Beerel
CENG 97-15 Minimizing BIST Resource Requirements of Data Paths Using Redundancy
by Iswar Parulkar, Sandeep Gupta, and Melvin Breuer
CENG 97-16 An Adaptive Multi-Class Call Admission Control for Multimedia Wireless Networks
by Ebrahim Abdulrahman Ismail
CENG 97-17 BIST TPG for Faults in Backplane Interconnect
by Chen-Huan Chiang and Sandeep Gupta
CENG 97-18 Portable Implementation of Real-Time Signal Processing Benchmarks on HPC Platforms
by Jinwoo Suh and Viktor K. Prasanna
CENG 97-19 Steady-State Probability Estimation in FSMs Considering High-Order Temporal Effects
by D. Marculescu, R. Marculescu, and M. Pedram
CENG 97-20 Efficient State Classification of Finite Markov Chains
by Aiguo Xie and Peter A. Beerel
CENG 97-21 Accelerating Markovian Analysis of Asynchronous Systems Using String-based State Compression
by Aiguo Xie and Peter A. Beerel
CENG 97-22 Fanout Optimization under a Submicron Transistor-Level Delay Model
by Pasquale Cocchini and Massoud Pedram
CENG 97-23 EZDB: A Framework for Easy Evaluations of Commercial Applications
by Kangwoo Lee, Jigar Thakkar, and Michel Dubois
CENG 97-24 Empirical Performance Modeling of Multiprocessors Based on Data-Sharing Analysis
by Kangwoo Lee
CENG 97-25 Efficient Reachability Analysis of Large Finite State Machines Using Don't Care-Based BDD Minimization
by Youpyo Hong and Peter A. Beerel
CENG 97-26 The Physical Design of RPM
by Jaeheon Jeong, Yongho Song, and Michel Dubois
CENG 97-27 Implementation of a CC-NUMA on RPM
by Jaeheon Jeong, Yongho Song, Adrian Moga and Michel Dubois
CENG 97-28 Rapid Hardware Prototyping on RPM-2: Methodology and Experience
by Michel Dubois, Alain Gefflaut, Jaeheong Jeong, Adrian Moga, and Koray Oner
CENG 97-29 Theory and Practice in Siptem-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multi-processors
by Yosef Howriel Tirat-Hefen

1996 Tech Reports

CENG 96-01 Modeling Survey: The Relationship between Environments, Services, and Network Performance in Wireless
by Te-Kai Liu and John A. Silvester
CENG 96-02 Retransmission Control and Fairness Issue in Mobile Slotted ALOHA Networks with Fading and Near-far Effect
by Te-Kai Liu and John A. Silvester, and Andreas Polydoros
CENG 96-03 Design and Evaluation of a Software-Controlled COMA
by Alain Gefflaut, Adrian Moga, Jaeheon Jeong, and Michel Dubois
CENG 96-04 Computing ODCs and function Minimization Targeting Low Power
by Sasan Iman and Massoud Pedram
CENG 96-05 Constructing Lower and Upper Bounded Delay Routing Trees Using Linear Programming
by Jaewon Oh, Iksoo Pyo and Massoud Pedram
CENG 96-06 Estimating BIST Resources in High-level Synthesis
by Ishwar Parulkar, Sandeep K. Gupta and Melvin A. Breuer
CENG 96-07 A Satisfiability-Based Test Generator for path Delay Faults in Combinational Circuits
by Chih-Ang Chen and Sandeep Gupta
CENG 96-08 A Framework for Coarse Grain Parallel Execution of Functional Program
by Dae-Kyun Yoon
CENG 96-09 Bounds on Pseudo-Exhaustive Test Lengths
by Rajagopalan Srinivasan, Sandeep K. Gupta, and Melvin A. Breuer
CENG 96-10 Stateful Computations in Functional Languages
by Yung-Syau Chen
CENG 96-11 Statistical Sampling for VLSI Circuits
by Chih-Shun Ding, Cheng-Ta Hsieh, Qing Wu and Massoud Pedram
CENG 96-12 Multi-level Logic Synthesis Based on Function Decomposition
by Kuo-Rueih Ricky Pan
CENG 96-13 How to Minimize Energy Using Multiple Supply Voltages
by JuiMing Chang and Massoud Pedram
CENG 96-14 Vector Compaction Using Dynamic Markov Models
by Radu & Diana Marculescu and Massoud Pedram
CENG 96-15 Performance Modeling and Design Trade-offs of Wireless Communication Networks with Heterogeneous
by Te-Kai Liu
CENG 96-16 Constrained Sequence Generation Using Schochastic Sequential Machines
by D. Marculescu, R. Marculescu and M. Pedram
CENG 96-17 A Trace-Driven Simulation of an ATM Queueing System
by Gilberto Mayor and John Silvester
CENG 96-18 An ATM Queueing System with Long-Range Dependent Traffic: Providing QoS Guarantees
by Gilberto Mayor and John Silvester
CENG 96-19 High Performance Parallel Logic programming on Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors
by Hiecheol Kim
CENG 96-20 Test Generation 7 Embedding for Built-in Self-Test
by C. A. Chen
CENG 96-21  
CENG 96-22 ATPG for Heat Dissipation Minimization for Scan Testing
by Seongmoon Wang and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 96-23 System-Level Estimation of Energy and Power
by Surid Wadekar and Alice Parker
CENG 96-24 Statistical Design of Macro-models for RT-Level Power
by Qing Wu and Massoud Pedram
CENG 96-25 Rapid synthesis of Multi-chip Systems
by Dong Hyun Heo, C. P. Ravikumar, and Alice Parker
CENG 96-26 Versatile Multichip Digital System Architecture Synthesis Tools
by Dong Hyun Heo, C. P. Ravikumar, and Alice Parker
CENG 96-27 Generalized Input Reduction BIST for Interconnection faults via Boundary Scan at the board Level
by Chen-Huan Chiang and Sandeep Gupta
CENG 96-28 High Quality Robust Tests for Path Delay Faults
by Liang-Chi Chen, Sandeep Gupta, Melvin A. Breuer
CENG 96-29 Optimal Synthesis of Application Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors
by Y.G. Tirat-Geen and Alice Parker
CENG 96-30 Optimal ILP-based Approach for Throughput Optimization Using Algorithm/Architecture Matching and retiming
by Y.G. Tirat-Geen and Alice Parker
CENG 96-31 MESGA: An Approach to System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous
by Y.G. Tirat-Geen and Alice Parker
CENG 96-32 Incorporating Imprecise Computation into System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors
by Y.G. Tirat-Geen and Alice Parker
CENG 96-33 System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors in the presence of Uncertainty
by Y.G. Tirat-Geen and Alice Parker
CENG 96-34 Turn Selection Enhancements to Deadlock Recovery Algorithms
by Timothy M. Pinkston, Joseph Borsody and William Kostes
CENG 96-35 Parallelism Control in Multithreaded Multiprocessors
by Namhoon Yoo
CENG 96-36 Automatic Code Partitioning for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors (DMMs)
by Moez Ayed
CENG 96-37 An Efficient Heuristic for Code Partitioning
by Moez Ayed and Jean-Luc Gaudiot

1995 Tech Reports

CENG 95-01 Nomadic Threads: A Runtime Approach for Managing Remote Memory Accesses in Multiprocessors
by Stephen Jenks and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 95-02 Data Path Allocation Techniquest for High-Level Synthesis of Low BIST Area Overhead Designs
by Ishwar Parulkar, Sandeep Gupta and Melvin Breuer
CENG 95-03 Power Efficient Register Assignment
by Jui-Ming Chang and Massoud Pedram
CENG 95-04 Switching Activity Estimation Based on Conditional Independence
by Radu Marculescu, Diana Marculescu and Massoud Pedram
CENG 95-05 Effects of Asynchronism on the Convergence Rate of A Class of iTERATIONS
by Aydin Uresin and Michel Dubois
CENG 95-06 Performance of Asynchronous Linear Iterations With Random Delays
by Adrian C. Moga and Michel Dubois
CENG 95-07 Implementation And Performance Of Asynchronous And Synchronous Data Classification Algorithms
by Adrian C. Moga and Michel Dubois
CENG 95-08 ASPEED Cache Coherence Protocol For An Optical Multi-Access Interconnect Architecture
by Joon-Ho Ha and Timothy M. Pinkston
CENG 95-09  
CENG 95-10 Parallel HO-PD Benchmark on the IBM SP2
by M. Arakawa, Z. Xu and K. Hwang
CENG 95-11 Parallel APT Benchmark on the IBM SP2
by M. Arakawa, Z. Xu and K. Hwang
CENG 95-12 Parallel General Benchmark on the IBM SP2
by M. Arakawa, Z. Xu and K. Hwang
CENG 95-13 Benchmark Evaluation of the IBM SP2 for Parallel Signal Processing
by Kai Hwang and Zhiewei Xu
CENG 95-14 Modeling Communication Overheard: MPI and MPL Performance on the IB SP2 Multicomputer
by Kai Hwang and Zhiewei Xu
CENG 95-15 Early Pediction of MPP Performance of Workload and Overhead Quantification A Case Study of the IBM SP2 System
by Kai Hwang and Zhiewei Xu
CENG 95-16 Power Efficient Module Allocation and Binding
by Jui-Ming Chang and Massoud Pedram
CENG 95-17 Normalized NETLENGTHS: A Measure of Routing Cost for Logic Synthesis
by H. Vaishnav and Massoud Pedram
CENG 95-18 Delay Optimal Partitioning Targeting Low Power VLSI Circuits
by Hirendu Vaishnav and Massoud Pedram
CENG 95-19 Simulation of the Communication Libraries of the CM-5 on UNIX Workstations
by Nicolas Guerin and J-L Gaudiot
CENG 95-20 Optimizatin of Post-Layout Area, Delay and Power Dissipation
by Hirendu Vaishnav
CENG 95-21 Deadlock-Free Adaptive Wormhole Routing with Disha Concurrent
by Anjan K. V., Timothy M. Pinkston, Jose Duato
CENG 95-22 Modeling Free-Space Optical k-ary n-cube Wormhole Networks
by Mongkol Raksapatcharawong and Timothy M. Pinkston
CENG 95-23 Multiprocessor Emulation with RPM: Early Experience
by Michel Dubois, Allain Gefflaut, Jaeheon Jeong, Adrian Moga, and Koray One
CENG 95-24 Maximum Throughput and the Maximum Balanced Throughput of Mobile Slotted ALOHA Networks
by Te-Kai Liu and John A. Silvester
CENG 95-25 RT-Level Power Analysis Using Information Theoretic Measures
by Diana Marculescu, Radu Marculescu, and Massoud Pedram
CENG 95-26 SPEED DMON: Cache Coherence on an Optical Multi-channel Interconnect Architecture
by Joon-Ho Ha and Timothy M. Pinkston
CENG 95-27 PLA Minimization for Low Power VLSI Designs
by S. Iman. C.Y Tsui and M. Pedram
CENG 95-28 Computing Network DCs and Function Minimization Targeting Low Power
by Sasan Iman and Massoud Pedram

1994 Tech Reports

CENG 94-01 Formal Verification of Complex Coherence Protocols Using Symbolic State Models
by Fong Pong and Michel Dubois
CENG 94-02 Test Embedding With Discrete Logarithms
by Mody Lempel, Sandeep K. Gupta and Melvin A. Breuer
CENG 94-03 Unifed System Construction (USC) Tools
by Alice Parker
CENG 94-04 Clock Grouping: A Low Cost DFT Methodology for Delay Testing
by Wen-Chang Fang and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 94-05 Logic Leve Power Estimation Considering Spatiotemporal Correlations
by Logic Leve Power Estimation Considering Spatiotemporal Correlations
CENG 94-06 Multi-Level Network Optimization Targeting Low Power
by S. Iman and M. Pedram
CENG 94-07 Low Power State Assignment Targeting Two-and Multi-Level Logic Implementations
by C-Y Tsui, C-A Chen, M. Pedram. And A.M. Despain
CENG 94-08 Random Pattern Testable Logic Synthesis
by Chen-Huan Chiang and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 94-09 A Binding Environment for Processing Logic prorams on Large-Scale Parallel Architectures
by Hiecheol Kim and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 94-10 The NDF Model: Processing Logic Programs on Large-Scale Parallel Architectures
by Hiecheol Kim and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 94-11 A Design System To Support Built-In Self-Test of VLSI Circuits Using Bilbo-Oriented test Methodologies
by Sen-Pin Lin
CENG 94-12 Zero-Aliasing for Modeled Faults
by Mody Lempel and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 94-13 Recombination, Selection, and the Genetic Construction of Computer Programs
by Walter Alden Tackett
CENG 94-14 Jitter at an ATM Multiplexer in The Presence of Correlated Traffic
by Ram Krishnan, John A. Silvester and C. S. Raghavendra
CENG 94-15 The U.S.C Multiprocessor TestBed Project: Project Overview
by Michel Dubois, L. Barroso, S. Iman, J. Jeong, k. Oner and K. Ramamurthy
CENG 94-16 Functional Prograaming and Fine-Grain Multithreading for High-Performance Parallel Computing
by Chihyun Kim
CENG 94-17 System-Level Design Techniques and Tools for Synthesis of Application-Specific Digital Systems
by Chih-Tung Chen
CENG 94-18 A Methodology and Design Tools to Support System-Leel VLSI Design
by Kayhan Kucukcakar and Alice C. Parker
CENG 94-19 Approximate Performance models of Multimedia Communications Over Fast Packet-Switched Networks
by Stanley Shiouming Wang
CENG 94-20 High-Level Synthesis of Memory-Intensive Application-Specific Systems
by Pravil Gupta
CENG 94-21 An Integrated Test Controller Synthesis System
by Debaditya Mukherjee
CENG 94-22 A Comparative Study of The Programmability of a Signal Processing Application in an MIMD and an SIMD Multiprocessor
by Dae-Kyun Yoon and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 94-23 DISHA: An Efficient, Fully Adaptive Deadlock Recovery Scheme
by Anjan K.V. and Timothy Mark Pinkston
CENG 94-24 D-BMAP Models for Performance Evaluation of ATM Networks
by John A. Silvester, Nelson L.S. Fonseca and Stanely S. Wang
CENG 94-25 Queueing Network Models for Multiple Class Broadband Integrated Services Digital Networks
by Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca
CENG 94-26 Pseudo-Exhaustive Built-In Self-Test System for Logic Circuits
by Rajagopalan Srinivasan
CENG 94-27 Factored Edge-Valued Binary Decision Diagrams and Their Application to Matrix Representation and Manipulation
by Paul Tafertshofer and Massoud Pedram
CENG 94-28 A Specification of The Array Semantics for Sisal 2.0
by Yung-Syau Chen and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 94-29 An Analytical Model for Multi-group Slotted ALOHA With Capture
by Te-Kai Liu, John A. Silvester and Andreas Polydoros
CENG 94-30 Performance Evaluation of R-ALOHA in Distributed Packet Radio Networks with Hard Real-Time Communications
by Te-Kai Liu, John A. Silvester and Andreas Polydoros
CENG 94-31 A General Performance Model for Mobile Slotted ALOHA Networks with Capture
by Te-Kai Liu, John A. Silvester and Andreas Polydoros
CENG 94-32  
CENG 94-33 Scan Chaining and Test Scheduling in an Integrated Scan Design System
by Sridhar Narayanan
CENG 94-34 A Practical BIST TPG Design Methodology
by Chih-Ang Chen and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 94-35 Constructing Minimal Spanning Trees with Bounded Path Length
by Iksoo pyo, Jaewon Oh and Massoud Pedram
CENG 94-36 An Exact Framework for Post-Layout Timing Correction
by Hirendu Vaishnav and Massoud Pedram
CENG 94-37 Built-in Self-Test for Modeled Faults
by Mody Lempel
CENG 94-38 Data-Flow Assembly Lanugage
by Moez Ayed and Jean-Luc Gaudiot

1993 Tech Reports

CENG 93-01 A Direct Array Handling Technique for Non-strict and Parallel Accesses in a Multithreaded Architecture
by Chinhyun Kim and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 93-02 The Detection and Elimination of Useless Misses in Multiprocessors
by Michel Dubois, Jonas Skeppstedt, Luvio Ricciulli, Krishnan Ramamurthy, and Per Stenstrom
CENG 93-03 Estimating the Loss Probability in a Multiplexer Loaded with Multipriority MMPP Streams
by Nelson L.S. Fonseca and John A. Silvester
CENG 93-04 Scalable Data Parallel Implementatons of object Recognition using Geometric Hashing
by A. Khokhar, H. Kim, V. Prasanna, and C. Wang
CENG 93-05 A Discrete-Time Performance Model for Integrated Services ATM Multiplexers
by Shiouming Stanley Wang and John A. Silvester
CENG 93-06 Synthesis of Application-specific Multiprocessor Systems
by Shiouming Stanley Wang and John A. Silvester
CENG 93-07 HISS: A Prototype Program for Hierarchical Storage Synthesis
by Pravil Gupta and Alice Parker
CENG 93-08 An Efficient Partitioning Strategy for Pseudo-exhaustive Testing
by R. Srinivasan, S. Gupta, and M. Breuer
CENG 93-09  
CENG 93-10 FGMaps: Mapping for FPGAs using Function Decomposition
by Yung-Te Lai, Kuo-Rueih R. Pan and Massoud Pedram
CENG 93-11 FGILP: An Integer Linear Program Solver Based on Function Graphs
by Yung-Te Lai, Massoud Pedram and Sarma B.K. Vrudhula
CENG 93-12 Efficient Estimation of Dynamic Power Dissipation
by Chi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram and Alvin M. Despain
CENG 93-13 Architecture and Routability Analysis for Row-Based FPGAs.
by Massoud Pedram, B. Nobandegani, and Bryan T. Press
CENG 97-14 Efficient Symbolic Simulation under the Extended Bounded Delay Model for Transition Mode Timing Analysis
by Chihshun Ding and Massoud Pedram
CENG 93-15 Wire Delay Estimation
by Pravil Gupta and Alice Parker
CENG 93-16 PLA Delay Estmation
by Pravil Gupta and Alice Parker
CENG 93-17 Performance Analysis of Four Memory Consistency Models for Multithreaded Multiprocessors
by Yong-Kim Chong and Kai Hwang
CENG 93-18 Hardwired Barriers for Fast Synchronization of Concurrent Processes on Scalable Multiprocessors
by Shisheng Shang and Kai Hwang
CENG 93-19 Multicoloring of Grid-Structured PDE Solvers for Parallel Execution on Multiprocessors
by H.C. Wang and Kai Hwang
CENG 93-20 Data Prefetching Effects on the Performance of Multithreaded Multiprocessors
by Weighua Mao, Kai Hwang, and Rafeal H. Saavedra
CENG 93-21 Automatic Resolution of Pipeline Hazards in Pipeline Synthesis of Instruction Set Processors
by Ing-Jer Huang and Alvin M. Despain
CENG 93-22 Advanced Silicon Compiler in Prolog
by Iksoo Pyo, Ching-long Su, Ing-jer Huang, Ricky Pan, Youngseon Koh, Hsu-tsun Chen, Gino Cheng, Chi-ying Tsui, and Alvin M. Despain
CENG 93-23 Correctness of a Directory-Based Cache Coherence Protocol: Early Experience
by Fong Pong and Michel Dubois
CENG 93-24 BEST: Behavioral Area-Delay Estimator
by Kayhan Kucukcakar and Alice C. Parker
CENG 93-25 Data-Driven and Multithreaded Architectures
by Jean-Luc Gaudiot and Chinhyun Kim
CENG 93-26 A Symbolic Approach for Checking Functional and Timing
by Chih-Tung Chen and Alice C. Parker
CENG 93-27  
CENG 93-28 Hardware/Software Tradeoffs in ADAM
by Jagannath Raghavendra and Alice Parker
CENG 93-29 Concurrent High-Level Synthesis with Floorplanning
by Jen-Pin Weng
CENG 93-30 Loss Performance & Queue Length Statistics for Multimedia Communication Systems
by Shiouming Stanley Wang and John A. Silvester
CENG 93-31 Edge-Valued Binary-Decision Diagrams: Theory and Applications
by Yung-Te Lai, Massoud Pedram, and Sastry, Vrudhula
CENG 93-32 Unified System Construction
by Alice C. Parker, Chih-Tung Chen & Pravil Gupta
CENG 93-33 A Low Cost BIST Methodology & Associated Novel Test Pattern Generator
by Sen Pin Lin, Sandeep K. Gupta and Melvin A. Breuer
CENG 93-34 BIST Test Pattern Generators for Two-Pattern Testing-Theory and Design Algorithms
by Chih-Ang Chen and Sandeep K. Gupta
CENG 93-35 Modelling the Output Process of an ATM Multiplexer with Markov Modulated Arrivals
by Nelson Fonseca and John Silvester
CENG 93-36 Estimating End-to-End Delay in ATM Virtual Paths
by Estimating End-to-End Delay in ATM Virtual Paths
CENG 93-37 High Level Interprocess Communication Primitives For A Prolog to C-Parallel Translator
by Amaury de Cazanove
CENG 93-38 ProPart: A Process-Level Behavioral Partitioner
by Chih-Tung Chen and Alice C. Parker
CENG 93-39 SMASH: A Program for Scheduling Memory-Intensive Application Specific Hardware
by Pravil Gupta and Alice Parker
CENG 93-40 Fuzzy Communications, Etc
by Chien-Ming Cheng and Kai Hwang
CENG 93-41 Compiler-Directed etc.
by Chien-Ming Cheng and Kai Hwang
CENG 93-42 Performance Results of The NAS Parallel Benchmarks in SISAL
by Hung-Yu Tseng and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 93-43 Exact & Approximate Methods for Calculating and Transition Probabilities in FSM's
by CH-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Alvin Despain
CENG 93-44 Reduce Power Consumption of a High Performance Processor Through Gray Code Addressing
by Ching-Long Su, Chi-Young Tsui, Alvin M. Despain
CENG 93-45 Cold Scheduling: Schedule Instructions for Less Bit Switches
by Ching-Long Su and Alvin M. Despain
CENG 93-46 Branch with Masked Squashing in a Superpipelined Prolog Processor
by Ching-Long Su and Alvin M. Despain
CENG 93-47 Logic Verification and Synthesis using Function Graphs
by Yung-Te Lai

1992 Tech Reports

CENG 92-01 Matching Algorithms and Arichitecture in Hierarchical Shared-Memory Multiprocessor (HSM) Systems
by Ashfaq Khokhar and Michel Dubois
CENG 92-02 Synthesis of Interconnection Structures for Multi-Chip Designs
by Yung-Hua Hung and Alice Parker
CENG 92-03 CSG: Control Path Synthesis in the ADAM System
by Jen-Pin Weng and Alice Parker
CENG 92-04 SWiTEST: Program Organization and Manual
by Kuen-Jong Lee and Melvin A. Breuer
CENG 92-05 Towards Synthesizing Memory Architecture for Applications- Specific Systems
by Pravil Gupta and Alice C. Parker
CENG 92-06 Reliability Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems and Networks
by Meera Balakrishnan
CENG 92-07 A Model for the Performance Analysis of Voice/Data ATM Multiplexers
by Shiouming Stanley Wang and John A. Silvester
CENG 92-08 A Multiple Class Buffer Priority Algorithm for the Design of B-ISDN Networks
by N. Fonseca and J. A. Silvester
CENG 92-09 Test Pattern Generators for Pseudo Exhaustive Two-Pattern Testing
by Sandeep Gupta and Chih-Ang Chen
CENG 92-10 An Approach to Path-Splitting in Multipath Networks
by Ram Krishnan and John A. Silvester
CENG 92-11 Delayed Consistency and Its Effects on the Miss Rate of Parallel Programs
by Michel Dubois, Jin Chin Wang, Luiz, A. Barroso, Kangwoo Lee and Yung-Syau Chen
CENG 92-12 Scalability Problems in Multiprocessors with Private Caches
by Michael Dubois, Luiz, Barroso, Yung-Syau Chen and Koray Oner
CENG 92-13 Cache Inclusion and Processor Sampling in Multiprocessor simuations
by Jacqueline Chame and Michel Dubois
CENG 92-14 Improving the Performance of Data Caches in Systems with Large Miss Latencies
by Koray Oner and Michel Dubois
CENG 92-15 Alphabetic Fanout Optimization
by Hirendu Vaishnav and Massoud Pedram
CENG 92-16 Power-Efficient Technology Decomposition and Mapping
by Chi-Ying Tsui, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain
CENG 92-17 BDD-Based Logic Decomposition: Theory and Practice
by Yung-Te Lai, Massoud Pedram, Sarma Sastry
CENG 92-18 Hardware/Software Resolutions for Pipeline Hazards in Instruction Set Processors
by Ing-Jer Huang and Alvin Despain
CENG 92-19 The Performance of Cache-Coherent Ring-based Multiprocessors
by Luiz Andre Barroso and Michel Dubois
CENG 92-20 The Verification of Cache, Coherence Protocols
by Fong Pong and Michel Dubois
CENG 92-21 A Fast Performance Model for Real-Time Multimedia Communications
by Shiouming Stanley Wang and John A. Silvester
CENG 92-22 High-Level Synthesis with Pin Constraints for Multiple-Chip Designs
by Yung-Hua Hung
CENG 92-23 Dream Machine- A Platform for Efficient Implementation of Neural Networks with Abitrarly Complex
by Soheil Shams
CENG 92-24 2D Object Recognition by Adaptive Feature Extraction and Dynamical Link Graph Matching
by Kenneth Flaton
CENG 92-25 BIST Test Pattern Generators for Two-Pattern Pseudo-Exhaustive testing
by Sandeep K. Gupta and Chih-Ang Chen

1991 Tech Reports

CENG 91-01 Unified System Construction
by Kayhan Kucukcakar, Alice C. Parker, Shiv Prakash, Jen-Pin Weng
CENG 91-02 Maximal Diagosis for Wiring Networks
by Jung-Cheun Lien and Melvin Breuer
CENG 91-03 A Snooping Cache Coherence Protocol for a Ring Connected Multipro
by Luiz A. Barroso and Michel Dubois
CENG 91-04 Stochastic Testability Analysis in Homogeneous Circuits
by Amitava Majumdar and Sarma Sastry
CENG 91-05 Neural Network Vision Integration Through Cooperative Learning on a Massively Parallel Computer
by Scott Toborg and Kai Hwang
CENG 91-06 Fast Synchronization of Large Multiprocessors Using Wired-NOR Barriers and Counting Semaphores
by Kai Hwang and Shisheng Shang
CENG 91-07 Mapping Multicomputer Communication Patterns onto Multiprocessors as Message Vectors in Shared Memory
by Dhabaleswar K. Panda and Kai Hwang
CENG 91-08 Performance Analysis of a Simulated Orthogonal Multiprocessor
by Kai Hwang and Chien-Ming Cheng
CENG 91-09 SIESTA 1.0 User's Manual
by Rajesh Gupta
CENG 91-10 Advanced Serial Scan Design for Testability
by Rajesh Gupta
CENG 91-11 Heuristic Process Migration for Dynamic Load Balancing in a Message-Passing Multicomputer
by Kai Hwang and Jian Xu
CENG 91-12 Analytical Modeling of Shared Block Contention in Cache Coherence Protocols
by Jin-Chin Wang
CENG 91-13 Numerical Partial Differential Equtaions Solvers on Variable-grain Data-flow Multiprocess systems
by Chih-Ming Lin
CENG 91-14 Delayed Consistencey and Its Effects on the Miss Rate of Parallel Programs
by Michael Dubois, Jin-Chin Wang, Luiz A. Barros, Kangwoo Lee, Yung-Syau Chen
CENG 91-15 Reconfigurable Networks For Fast Packet Switching Shih-Chian Yang
by Shi-Chian Yang
CENG 91-16 Control Path/Data Path Tradeoffs in VLSI Design
by Mitchell J. Misnar
CENG 91-17 A Mathematical Programming Model for Synthesis of Multiprocessor systems: Linearization, An example Model, and Some Tradeoff Studies
by Shiv Prakash and Alice C. Parker
CENG 91-18 A Systematic Approach for Designing Testable VLSI Circuits
by Sen-Pin Lin, Charles A. Nijinda, and Melvin Breuer
CENG 91-19 Design of Hierarchically Testable and Maintainable Systems
by Jung-Cheun Lien
CENG 91-20 Synthesis of Optimal 1-Hot Coded On-chip Controllers for BIST Hardware
by D. Mukherjee, C. Nijinda, and M. A. Breuer
CENG 91-21 VHDL2DDS: A VHDL Language to DDS Data Structure Translator
by Chih-Tung Chen
CENG 91-22 Switch Level Test Generation for CMOS Circuits
by Kuen-Jong Lee
CENG 91-23 Parallel Orientation of Polygonal Parts
by Viktor Prasanna and Anil Rao
CENG 91-24 Parallel Processing of Production Systems on Data-Flow Multiprocessors
by Andrew Sohn
CENG 91-25 Parallel Algorithms For Automating VLSI Physical Design
by Ravikumar P. Chennagiri
CENG 91-26 Software Aspects of Bold A System and User's Manual
by Jung-Cheun Lien
CENG 91-27 System-Level Synthesis Techniques with Emphasis On Partitioning And Design Planning
by Kayhan Kucukcakar
CENG 91-28 Numerical Partial Differential Equations Solvers on Variable-grain Data-flow Multiprocessor Systems
by Chih-Ming Lin
CENG 91-29 SOS: Synthesis of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessor systems
by Shiv Prakash and Alice C. Parker
CENG 91-30 Symbolic Jacobian Inversion for Redundant Manipulators
by Carlos L. Luck and Sukhan Lee
CENG 91-31 Emulating a Data-Flow Machine Using a Network of Transputers
by Moez Ayed and Jean-Luc Gaudiot

1990 Tech Reports

CENG 90-01 SNAP Controller
by Hirendu Vaishnav
CENG 90-02 Algorithm-Driven Performance Simulation of the USC Orthogonal Multiprocessor
by Chien-Ming Cheng, Sharad Mahrotra, Michael Dubois, Kai Hwang
CENG 90-03 Architectural Design of the USC Orthogonal Multiprocessor
by K. Hwang, D. K. Panda, S. Rao and H. Nais
CENG 90-04 The USC Orthogonal Multiprocessor for Image Processing with Neural Networks
by K. Hwang D. K Panda, N. Haddadi and R. Chellappa
CENG 90-05 A Decoupled Graph/Computation Architecture with Variable Resolution Actors
by P. Evripidou and Jean-Luc Gaudiot
CENG 90-06 Dynamic Routing and Congestion Control for Multi-Class Virtual Circuit Networks
by A. A. Eonomides, P. A. Ioannou and J A. Silvester
CENG 90-07 Evaluating Optimizing Transformations of Behavioral Descriptions
by Rajiv Jain and Alice Parker
CENG 90-08 Test Generation for the JPL Viterbi Decoder Chip
by M.A Breuer, Margaret Driscoll, Rajesh Gupta, Rajiv Gupta, Shen Lin and Rajagopalan Srinivasan
CENG 90-09 Assigning Signa flow Directions to MOS Transistors
by Lee, Gupta, Breuer
CENG 90-10 Test-Efficiency Analysis of Random Self-test of Sequential Circuits
by Sastry and Majumdar
CENG 90-11 Stochastic Characterization of Controllability ingeneral NAND and AND Trees
by Amita Majumdar and Sharma Sastry
CENG 90-12  
CENG 90-13 Efficient Testing of Acyclic Structures in Partial Scan Designs
by Rajesh Gupta and Melvin A. Breuer
CENG 90-14 A Module Maintenance Controller Prototype
by Jung-Chuen Lien
CENG 90-15 Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms for Problems with Discrete Data
by Aydin Uresin
CENG 90-16 Priority Load Sharing: An Approach Using Stackelberg Games
by A. A. Economedies and John Silvester
CENG 90-17 VYUHA: A Detailed Router for Multiple Routing Models
by C.P. RaviKumar and S. Sastry
CENG 90-18 Virtual Address Caches
by Michael Cekleov, Michael Dubois, Jun-Chin Wang, Faye A. Briggs
CENG 90-19 A Methodology for Partitioning and Hierarchical Reorganization of Ssequential Circuits for DFT and BIST
by Rajiv Gupta, Rajagopalan Srinivasan and Melvin Breuer
CENG 90-20 On Optimal and Practical Routing Methods for a Massive Data Movement Operation on Hypercubes
by Rajendra V. Boppana and C. S. Raghavendra
CENG 90-21 Delayed Consistency Protocols
by Michael Dubois
CENG 90-22 Improving Structure Handling and Recursive Function Calls in the USC Occamflow Translator
by Jean-Pierre Abello
CENG 90-23 Macro Data-Flow Simulator Display Interface
by Olivier Tardieu
CENG 90-24 The Effects of Physical Design Characteristics on the Quality of Synthesized Designs
by Alice C. Parker, Jen-Pin Weng, Pravil Gupta and Agha Hussain
CENG 90-25 Synthesis of Application-Specific Multiprocessor Architectures
byShiv Prakash and Alice C. Parker
CENG 90-26 CHOP: A Constraint-Driven System- Level Partitioner
by Kayhan Kucukcakar and Alice .C Parker
CENG 90-27 3D Scheduling: High Level Synthesis with Floorplanning
by Jen-Pin Weng and Alice C. Parker
CENG 90-28 Reconfigurable fault Tolerant Networks for Fast Packet Switching
by Shih-Chian Yang and John A. Silvester
CENG 90-29 The Effects of Physical Design Characteristics on the Area-Performance Tradeoff Curve
by Alice Parker, Pravil Gupta and Agha Hussain
CENG 90-30 Flexible, Fault-Tolerant Routing Criteria for Circuit-Switched Hypercubes
by Ge-Ming Chiu, Suresh Chalasani and C.S. Raghavandra
CENG 90-31 BAD: Behavioral Area-Delay Predictor
by Kayhan Kucukcakar and Alice C. Parker
CENG 90-32 The Synthesis of Control-Dominated Application Specific Integrated Circuits Using Global Based Design Management
by Sally Hayati